The ICNU Acronym and ADHD Productivity

Arianna Bradford
7 min readAug 3, 2022
Photo by on Unsplash

As always, if you’d rather watch a video about ICNU and ADHD, you can do that here. You can also listen to this as a podcast episode here.

Soooo I suppose we should start with a quick explanation of what ICNU is.

To be honest, I’m not sure where it originated, but I saw it on Reddit, because that’s where all good information comes from, of course. There, someone was explaining ICNU and ADHD, and how they connected to productivity and its polar opposite, Executive Dysfunction. It was so bang-on that I’ve seen many others talk about it, and for good reason.

ICNU stands for Interest, Challenge, Novelty, and Urgency, and basically, if a task you’re trying to do is missing one of these four things, it’s highly possible that you’ll freeze up and refuse to do it. Now of course, every Executive Dysfunction situation isn’t tied to a lack of these things specifically, but it’s often a good place to start.

If you find that your hold up is probably ICNU related, then you’re going to want to sit down and write out which of those four (or which two of the four, three of the four, etc) your situation is lacking.

Once you’ve figured out what the problem may be, it’s time to address it. Obviously the way that ICNU and ADHD connect is unique in every situation, but here are a few more universal…

