How to Plan Projects when You Have ADHD

Arianna Bradford
5 min readAug 30, 2022
Photo by Brands&People on Unsplash

Planning projects with ADHD is one of those things that doesn’t sound difficult — and in theory, it’s not — but it’s something I see a lot — like alot of people mishandle. For people who love starting new projects, ADHD brains aren’t so great at knowing how to plan those projects so that their brains don’t melt and they don’t wind up running off to live with wolves.

I think that’s that “irony” that Alanis was talking about.

Before I get started, I’m going to highly suggest that when you plan projects with ADHD, you should do so visually. We’re much better at understanding order that way. I have a planning system I made for ClickUp that has a handy space for just this, but however you do it, make sure you’re able to easily look at what you’re doing.

So let’s launch into how to plan projects effectively with that beautiful brain of yours. The process is as follows:

First: Write down every step, and make ’em tiny.

Don’t look at me like that. Yes, I mean every step. And they need to be granular. Like, don’t just write “market new product;” instead, write “post to Instagram about…

